Tell MAMA - Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks - Report 2023-2024 - 'The New Norm of Anti-Muslim Hate'

Tell MAMA - Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks - Report 2023-2024 - 'The New Norm of Anti-Muslim Hate'

Tell MAMA Records the Highest Number of Online and Street Based Cases of Anti-Muslim Hate in 2024 Compared to any Year Since its Founding in 2011. The Israel and Gaza War, the Southport Murders and Riots & Grooming Concerns Created a Surge in anti-Muslim Hate Cases Reported to Tell MAMA from 2023-2024.



Key Findings – Between 2023 and 2024: Total Number of Cases Reported to Tell MAMA Between 2023-2024

  •  Between 2023 and 2024, Tell MAMA received 10,719 cases out of which 9,604 were verified cases of anti-Muslim hate that were overwhelmingly reported in by British Muslims in the United Kingdom. (Note – the term ‘verified’ means that cases have been diligently checked and as being ‘anti-Muslim’ in nature and with supportive relevant evidence that confirms this finding).
  • 2024 saw the highest number of anti-Muslim hate cases recorded by Tell MAMA in any year, since the founding of the project in 2011/2012. This amounted to 6,313 cases of anti-Muslim hate reported to Tell MAMA, with a rise of 165% of total verified cases reported in since 2022 and in just 2 years (2,201 vs 5,837)
  • 1,606 of the 3,530 verified reports received were street-based, a 120% increase in street-based cases since 2022.
  •  Data shows a 103% increase in targeted anti-Muslim hate towards people who are visibly Muslim when comparing 2023 and 2024 data sources.
  • There has been a large rise in the categorisation of ‘threatening behaviour’ in street-based cases. This amounts to a 715% increase in such cases between 2023 and 2024. This level of aggression in anti-Muslim hate cases is particularly concerning.
  • In summary, cases of anti-Muslim hatred are becoming more threatening towards victims, higher in volume and much more prone to significant peaks because of a higher frequency of national and international events.


Read the full report here.