Support our international coalition against online hate
Online hate speech is destructive for marginalized groups and undermines trust in democratic institutions. To address this pressing issue, INACH develops holistic strategies that combine monitoring, education, advocacy, and technology. Donate today to help us bring the online in line with human rights!
INACH has been granted the ANBI status by the Dutch government, recognizing it as a public benefit organization.
The internet provides a virtually free and worldwide platform for people to spread hate in a matter of seconds. Hate speech and other forms of intolerance have a chilling effect on online public discussion, where a loud extreme minority often silences others by using language that is deeply offensive. Furthermore, hate crimes, violence against the vulnerable, and genocides are always preceded by cyber hate and offline hate speech.
Since 2002, INACH has been fighting cyber hate, extremism and incitement to prevent violence against people and communities by making the internet more open, accepting and conducive to civilised, democratic debate. Our work is even more important now since the internet has become the de facto public sphere of modern societies. Below is the main focus of our work;
Monitoring efforts
INACH leads all monitoring efforts in the EU to collect and report cases on the largest platforms to comply with regulations. By recording response times, feedback quality and removal rates, the moderation capabilities of these platforms is enhanced to lower the levels of hate speech, which has been declining since 2018 thanks to our efforts.
Partnering with Social Media
INACH and our members are fighting online hate every day, but we cannot do it alone. We have been working with social media companies to build productive relationships so we can work together to fight an issue facing both of us. By partnering with these companies, INACH is strengthening their relationship with our member NGOs by empowering collaboration, exchange of best practices and open dialogue to unite partners to make a global impact.
Cyber hate Neutralisation Hub
Harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology, INACH is building a Neutralisation Hub to help internet users navigate through the barrage of hate and disinformation they are bombarded with daily. By developing algorithms with the help of leading AI companies, the Hub will map the workings of bots spreading hate and fake news and unearth the originators of online hate and conspiracy theories to create an early warning system.
Awareness and Education
INACH is driving awareness and education efforts globally. By hosting conferences, webinars and round table events, we give NGOs, experts, journalists, social media companies and the general public a platform to exchange knowledge, address all forms of intolerance and share their voices to tackle online hate in innovative ways. We also created the first-of-its kind counter speech training program, which provides in-depth knowledge about media literacy, fake news, cyber hate and its dangers, and counter speech methods.
Donate today to help us bring the online in line with human rights!