INACH members:
- #StopFisha
- Academy of Political Studies
- Africa Sans Haine
- AfroLeadership
- CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe
- Czech Helsinki Committee
- DigiQ
- Dokustelle
- Estonian Human Rights Center
- Greek Helsinki Monitor
- Háttér Society
- Human Rights House Zagreb
- Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA)
- Latvian Centre For Human Rights
- LGL National LBGT Rights Organization
- Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (LICRA)
- LOVE-Storm
- Magenta
- Metamorphosis Foundation
- Meld.Online Discriminatie (MOD)
- Movimiento contra la Intolerancia (MCI)
- Multi Kulti Collective
- “Never Again” Association
- ObservatorioWeb
- SOVA Center for Information and Analysis
- Subjective Values Foundation
- Tell MAMA
- ZARA – Civil Courage & Anti-Racism-Work