Osservatorio Antisemitismo now released the English version of its yearly report on antisemitism in Italy. Read the full report here.…
Category: Publications
Publications on combating cyber hate and relevant legislation in Europe and per country, published by INACH – the International Network Against Cyber Hate – and/or members of the network.

Albania's TikTok Ban
On January 6, 2025, the Ministry of Education and Sports unveiledthe New Action Plan for School Safety, officializing the announcement…

Fighting teRrorISt Content Online (FRISCO)
After two impactful years, the FRISCO project has officially come to a close with a high-profile conference in Brussels, where…

Mainstreaming Digital Human Rights: A pan-European Policy Roadmap to Combat Online Antisemitism
The full report is linked here. Since long before the October 7 attacks, Jewish communities in Europe have experienced growing…

Zooming in on Hate: The State of the DSA
How do we create safer, more transparent online spaces? Is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) the solution the world…

INACH Annual Report 2024
This annual report will explain the activities conducted this year by INACH. First, we will describe the main events we…